Friday, 21 September 2012

Positive/Negative "Do Not Draw The Bird"


The purpose of this drawing assignment was basically to not draw the bird but most importantly teach us and distinguish the difference between the positive and negative spaces by creating an abstract image of the subject.  Our goal was to focus our composition on not drawing the subject as a whole but putting our attention more into the negative shapes of the bird.  In other words, drawing the bird from the outside instead of the inside or just drawing the outline of the bird.  With the concepts of types of lines, the bird had different waves such as the curvilinear lines that connect to each other making the whole bird itself.  Trying to not draw the bird was a little difficult for me but blocking out the positive shapes made it a different assignment in my point of view.  Another purpose of the assignment was to focus on proportion as well.  Drawing a gird along the paper really helped me draw the bird exactly as it is by focusing on different areas of the image and try to block out from drawing the bird and be a little more mindful with the lines and patterns.  With the background, I tried to focus more on value change to compliment the image of the subject.  I went from drawing patterns of lines along the paper and shading them with different values of shade.  Doing this I was able to explore changes in value that help pull out the image.  I could say with this drawing, I played it safe and held back with my creativity. 

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